The Connection and Recovery Community Foundation of Forsyth are proud to sponsor many sober initiatives in the Cumming, GA community.

Equine Therapy

No matter their size, horses have the unique ability to mirror human social and responsive behaviors. Equine Therapy can help the individual build confidence, self- efficiency, communication, trust, perspective, social skills, impulse control, and learn boundaries.

Equine therapy is a special technique that uses the connection between people and horses to enhance physical or emotional healing. This activity can involve individuals, groups, or families, underscoring interpersonal interactions.

hand on horse

Family Support Offerings

Recovery is for everyone, not just the addict. We offer education, training and support for family members impacted by addiction and mental health challenges.

Programs include:

  • Families in Recovery

  • Nurturing Fathers Program

  • Parenting the Nurturing Way

Hands-On Activities

The Connection provides many opportunities for project work, and we’re proud to say we qualify for Community Service hours and Give Back projects.

Past projects range from gardening, blood drives and art installations to remodeling, wellness events, and more!

How can we help you fulfill your obligations and nurture your soul?